• Thursday 14, Jan 2021

World Bank - Blueing the Black Sea Programme (BBSEA)

The Permanent International Secretariat of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC PERMIS) has been invited to act as the Executing Entity of the “Blueing of the Black Sea” Regional Project (BBSEA) supported by the World Bank. The project is funded by the Global Environmental Facility and aims at tackling marine pollution and catalyzing blue economy investments in the Black Sea region. This way, it will practically help Black Sea riparian countries substantiate their efforts in advancing a shared vision for a sustainable and better valued Black Sea backed by concrete projects, as stipulated in the 2019 Common Maritime Agenda.

To prepare the BBSEA, BSEC PERMIS is planning a series of national consultations in the Black Sea riparian countries, incl. the Republic of Moldova, to introduce the planned action, build partnerships with key institutional and private stakeholders at national level and seek critical inputs on the project architecture. The specific objective of the consultations consists in consulting the respective stakeholder communities (institutional, business, academia and civil society) working on marine pollution on the state of play, pressing issues and priorities related to pollution prevention, reduction and the control in the Black Sea, as well as the opportunities that result in the process. The results of the consultations will inform the architecture and implementation modalities of a planned “Blueing of the Black Sea” regional project.

Click here to find further information of the  BBSEA Regional Project