The BSVKC is a regional networking platform for sharing knowledge and for supporting the development of the blue economy. It allows sharing general, technical and sectoral knowledge and information related to marine and maritime affairs and blue economy in the Black Sea. Joining the BSVKC will enable you to exchange knowledge and views, know who does what, extend your network, contact partners, build operational partnerships and widen the impact of your action on blue economy.

The ultimate objective of the BSVKC is to contribute to the development of a vibrant Blue Economy Community in the Black Sea region as a space for dialogue among major blue economy stakeholders. To build the “Black Sea Blue Economy Community”, BSVKC users are called upon to register as blue economy “Stakeholders”.

You simply have to register as a user of the BSVKC. To contribute to an active “Black Sea Blue Economy Community”, please, upload news and/or events related to your work on the blue economy, a “Project” your organization is involved in, or – VERY IMPORTANT - register as blue economy “Stakeholder”. The BSEC PERMIS team ( is at your disposal for any help or clarification.

The BSVKC, supported by the European Commission (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries), is managed by the Permanent International Secretariat of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC PERMIS) -