The videos have been created within the Black Sea React!, Black Sea Cruise and BRIDGE-BS projects, which were co-funded by the European Commission.
  • Monday 23, Sep 2024
Launch of the REST-COAST first Policy Brief, focusing o...


Consider utilising the opportunity the EU National Restoration Plans present to align processes across policy domains and governance levels (local, regional, national, union-wide), to promote local collaboration among stakeholders, and to ensure a common understanding of priorities and clear responsibilities at each governance level. 


Consider restoration interventions that enhance the connectivity between terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats and the natural dynamics between these ecosystems. This will also provide co-benefits, such as increased coastal resilience, blue carbon and socioeconomic benefits. The EU Nature Restoration Law can also promote harmonised metrics to measure biodiversity and ecosystem services for restoration measures. 


Consider developing adaptation pathways to align biodiversity restoration with climate change action (mitigation & adaptation), supporting long–term restoration efforts and preventing ecosystem deterioration. This could be done by integrating future climate scenarios and changing socio-economic conditions into the planning of coastal restoration activities and future National Restoration Plans. Research done by REST-COAST can provide valuable context-specific information to do so.


Consider leveraging existing pathways to enhance stakeholder engagement and strengthen the scientific foundation for the National Restoration Plans. Platforms such as the REST-COAST Coastal Restoration Platforms (CORE-Plats) can be used to engage stakeholders, demonstrate restoration benefits, and attract funding. 


Consider exploring innovative financial solutions and business opportunities to sustain and advance coastal restoration efforts, such as co-financing options and long-term investment pathways. It can help to identify ecosystem services with significant economic value to find funding for coastal restoration initiatives.


Please check the attached file for further details.

  • Sunday 15, Sep 2024


Dear Black Sea friends,

In order to upskill and ensure the understanding of the challenges and opportunities to be addressed for a sustainable Blue Economy across the Black Sea, the EU H2020-funded BRIDGE-BS R&I project conducts a range of educational and capacity-building activities.

With this aim, the 2nd Summer School is organized by the BRIDGE-BS project by targeting graduate students from Black Sea riparian countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, Türkiye, and Ukraine) and will be hosted by one of the facilities of the Tbilisi State University (TSU) on 15-17 September 2024.

The 2nd Summer School will mainly focus on supporting tools for strengthening the Sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea region.

The lectures will address fundamental topics related to Blue Biotechnology.

The Summer School will involve interactive lectures and group work.

On the last day, a hackathon will take place where participants will work in a small team setting to develop a viable solution to boost the sustainable development of the Blue Economy with a particular focus on the emerging sector of biotechnologies.

Date: 15-16-17 September 2024 (14 September, Arrival Day)
Location: Tbilisi State University in Tbilisi, Georgia

Fees, Costs, and Visa

All selected participants will attend the summer school free of charge and in person.

Selected participants’ accommodation (up to 4 nights, depending on the flight schedule) in shared dormitories: 2 people of the same gender; Istanbul University will cover lunches and some dinners.

Subsistence costs in Tbilisi for the duration of the training, are borne by the participants.

All participants are responsible for complying with the entry requirements to Georgia. Participants who need to have a visa should organize their visa procedure and cover the costs of granting it. İstanbul University and BRIDGE-BS Project support the accepted candidates with an invitation letter. İstanbul University will organize accommodation and travel arrangements for the selected students.


Only graduate students of any discipline related to the Blue Economy (economy, research, and/or policy) will be considered;

Candidates should be graduate students from Black Sea riparian countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, Türkiye and Ukraine);

Candidates should have a good working knowledge of English (level B2 or higher)

  • Monday 01, Jul 2024
BRIDGE-BS Training Webinars on Sustainable Tourism




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Training Webinars
on Sustainable Tourism

within the framework of the BRIDGE-BS Project

“Upskilling policy-makers to support science-based policy-making on Sustainable Tourism models

Understanding new tourism models in a changing era”


Dear Sir or Madam,


We would be honoured to welcome a representative from your administration to a series of upskilling webinars that are being organised in the framework of the BRIDGE-BS (Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems) Project.


BRIDGE-BS is a 54-month project, funded under the EU Horizon2020 Programme and led by the Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences (METU IMS) (Türkiye), bringing together 31 partners from 14 Countries, from the Black Sea and the European Union.


Tourism, being a Blue Economy sector of the Black Sea that is strongly connected to other sectors – such as living resources, transport, energy, aquaculture, and biotechnology – is at the same time a traditional sector on the verge of eroding its own business capital by damaging the environment in tourism hotspots, and a sector that can foster the culture of innovation at local, regional and Black Sea level.


To this end, policy- and decision-making that establish good governance and support tools that allow a better planning at the different levels of governance, can contribute to a more effective management of the existing and emerging activities at local, regional, and international levels.


These three articulated webinars aim to help decision-making actors and policy stakeholders take on the new knowledge offered by the BRIDGE-BS project into their decision-making process. The webinars will accustom, in a handy way, participants to the objectives of BRIDGE-BS and the Blue Economy sectors of the Black Sea, with the tourism sector, particularly the sustainable tourism models, as the common thread.

The webinars will link with the three overarching nodes of the BRIDGE-BS i.e., multistressors, innovation and capacity building, for a holistic approach/to offer inclusive knowledge.


On completion of the three training webinars, participants will have acquired substantial knowledge of the main challenges for the Black Sea ecosystem and the contribution of sustainable tourism models to a more sustainable and resilient Black Sea, increasing economic gains for a wider range of actors and stakeholders – from local authorities and indigenous businesses to cross-border, intraregional and international cooperation – and reducing brain drain.


More precisely, participants will be able to better understand the general framework of policies and initiatives of interest to sustainable tourism and blue economy, the respective terminology and tools, and the existing and emerging trends. This will enable them to quickly and easily identify funding sources and cooperation opportunities that meet their administrations’ needs, be actively involved in consultation processes and networking fora and, therefore, be more effective professionals and become demanded partners.


The training webinars will be organised by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) – an association that brings together more than 150 Regions from 24 States from the European Union and beyond, and is an official interlocutor of the EU institutions – in cooperation with the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) and the Technological Centre for Sea (CETMAR, Spain).


Geographic scope

Black Sea countries: Bulgaria, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Türkiye, Ukraine

Target public:

  • Policy-makers and decision-makers from the Black Sea countries of different levels of governance (local, regional, national).
  • One representative per administration

Main topic: Sustainable tourism models in the blue economy

Dates:   Tuesday 1 October – Tuesday 8 October – Tuesday 22 October 2024


Duration: 2 hours (from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST | Brussels time)

Certificate of attendance: only to participants that have attended all three webinars


Thank you for considering our invitation to these training webinars.
Please be so kind as to get back to
Stavros.Kalognomos@crpm.org regarding your administration’s participation by Wednesday 31 July 2024.




  • Wednesday 26, Jun 2024
Black Sea Blue Economy Accelerator 2nd Call is looking ...

As partner of the “BRIDGE-BS: Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems", a H2020-funded project, BSEC PERMIS is looking for individual experts for the implementation of the 2nd Call for the BRIDGE-BS Black Sea Accelerator (BSA) targeting Black Sea business opportunities.

The BRIDGES-BS accelerator covers the support listed below:

1) Expert support > support market analysis, or other strengthening services are offered via ad hoc consulting (individual applicants) for techs/services still needing improvement;
2) Start-up support > in case of valuable business mentoring support can be provided (directly or combined with other initiatives);
3) Facilitate financing/investments > “investors pitching” training sessions (in groups) are offered and support for access to finance.

IMPORTANT: Ad-hoc and one-to-one activities are foreseen in supporting across those areas the most advanced applicants (in terms of TRL), for which the contribution and direct experience of the selected expert(s) will be pivotal – i.e. both in designing and implementing the support offered by the BSA under BRIDGS-BS supervision.

The selected experts (in principle one or two) will support the implementation of Task 7.3 and potentially other action tasks across other WPs of the BRIDGE-BS project. They will not work on action tasks. The language of such services will be English.  

This call for experts is open for international senior experts with a proven expertise in terms of:

• Support SMEs and solution providers in assessing and developing business strategies, as well as increasing their ability to successfully pitch towards international impact investors;

• Understanding of the blue economy, preferably in the context of the Black Sea and other EU sea basins, across the different sectors and activities covered by the Accelerator .


Specifically, the candidates would offer relevant direct experience in the following areas:

• Support to innovative ideas, start-ups and SMEs in engaging with international investors;

• First hand understanding of the blue economy sector and relevant investors in this area;

• Direct long-term experience in the EU and/or across the Black Sea is considered a plus.

The candidates shall provide a detailed list of references to demonstrate their expertise on both above topics and indicative cost for day fees. The work is considered in expert office, as the support needed will be provided online, with in principle no travel planned or to be covered.

Several experts could be acquired as part of this call, based on the needs identified by the BRIDGE-BS Accelerator:

- delivering the actual support to the new applicants and possibly some selected ones from the previous call (about 12 following us up more thoroughly);

- leading some (limited) group discussions and the bilateral follow-up exchanges needed to support business models, market assessment, pitching ability and identification of interested/interesting investors;

- leading and proactively supporting the design of such support actions, based on the specifications offered in this document and further exchanges with the BSA team of BRIDGES-BS.

The experts will start offering their services from September 2024 till March 2025, with the peak of the work intended until December 2024, supporting BRIDGE-BS Accelerator team in the services to the selected applicant from the BSA 2nd call.

The total amount allocated for service acquisition (for maximum 2 experts) is expected to be up to 10.000 EUR. The overall amount allocated to each expert will be discussed depending on specific needs, duration of the contract, range of expertise demonstrated by each expert and etc.  

Specific services required as well as agreements in the interaction of the experts with BRIDGE-BS partners in charge of the BRIDGE-BS Accelerator will be specified as part of the contractual agreements.  

Interested applicants must send a CV and detailed demonstration (one page max) of their relevance for this position, according to the requests of this document, to the following email: bsvkc@bsec-organization.org  

Deadline for application: 20 July 2024, 06:00 PM Turkish time (GMT+3).


  • Monday 24, Jun 2024

Dear stakeholders,

As most of you already know, under Subtask 9.1.3 Establish a Science-Technology-Policy English language MOOC on Blue Growth, we will design and develop a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) related to be created in line with the BRIDGE-BS objectives and expected outcomes. 

Here in this stage will need your input and support to better design the BRIDGE-BS MOOC. So as a first step, I will kindly ask you to fill the following survey until June 23, 2024 and share the survey with your colleagues who have similar experience and help us with reaching the right tools / platforms.

MOOC Survey Link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15JxzriV4qzzSEEyHBXlhTphj5AgmvewXbn156kTbPz4/edit

While filling out the survey please keep in mind that the main goals of the MOOC are to equip Early Career Ocean Professionals with the necessary theoretical and practical skills in marine research as well as inform a range of stakeholders about the research conducted for developing a sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea region.


  • Monday 24, Jun 2024
H2020 BRIDGE-BS / Black Sea Accelerator Second Call is ...

The Black Sea Accelerator is supporting sustainable blue economy solutions across the Black Sea region, to foster sustainable and circular innovation in the Black Sea area. 

The first call promoted in the context of the BRIDGE-BS and DOORS Black Sea R&I projects, funded under H2020, a total of 30 applications proposing innovative services, products, or technologies have been received, covering all sectors of the Blue Economy (aquaculture, fisheries, boating, and yachting, blue biotechnologies, maritime transport and its greening and digitalization, plastic pollution and waste management, etc.). 10 applicants have been accompanied by BRIDGE-BS and DOORS via dedicated training sessions in plenary or in dedicated sessions to support the development of the targeted market ideas for the blue economy of the Black Sea. Such training sessions aim to develop skills in various domains such as pitching, analyzing business models, structuring business plans, leads for business development, etc.

The second call is now open for Black Sea-based applicants (individuals/organizations). More applications are foreseen as the support provided will be offered through online training and advisory services. In principle, the language of such services will be English. Note that, for this 2nd call, more established (market-ready) solutions are eligible (Technology Readiness Level 6 and above).

The deadline for applying for the second and final call of the BSA is 20 July 2024 and the support will be provided from mid-September until the end of 2024.

The 2nd High Tech Summit for the Black Sea will take place on 16 October and will serve as a key step in the BSA and the most successful participants of both calls will be featured either as relevant technologies or during pitching sessions.

To address any questions or comments you may have, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at acceleratorblacksea@gmail.com

  • Tuesday 14, May 2024
UfM Mediterranean Green Week

The UfM EU and Jordan CoPresidency and Secretariat are pleased to announce that the MED GREEN WEEK will take place from 14-16 May 2024 in Istanbul, Türkiye.

 The Med Green Week will include the UfM Regional Platform and Working Groups on Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water, and will aim at sparking discussions, boosting participation and fostering collaboration. 

 Impactful and dynamic cross-thematic workshops will also be organised, ensuring the contribution/s of a wide range of key actors committed to collaborate for a sustainable and inclusive future in the Mediterranean region.

 Kindly save the date in your calendar. More detailed information will be shared in the coming weeks.

  • Thursday 28, Mar 2024
Connecting Europe Days 2024 - Don’t forget to sign up!

Don’t forget to sign up for Connecting Europe Days 2024!

Spaces are filling-up quickly for Connecting Europe Days 2024, Europe’s mobility flagship event, on 2-5 April in Brussels, Belgium. Register now to secure your spot. 

The Connecting Europe by Air side event at Brussels Airport will delve into how aviation can help ensure the connectivity and multimodality of the EU transport network. The role of collaboration, research, and financing as a catalyst for the aviation sector’s decarbonisation will also be discussed. Participants can explore innovative EU funded aviation projects at the on-site exhibition. Full programme here.

The conference will host a Marketplace for innovative companies, project promoters and initiatives from the public and private sector across Europe to pitch their transport projects. Interested to share your ideas? Apply here before 18 March.

Connecting Europe Days will bring together more than 2,500 participants from all EU Member States and neighbouring third countries, in particular the Western Balkan partners as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. Participants include Ministers, politicians, financial institutions, industry representatives, transport stakeholders and the European Commission and related agencies. 

The Connecting Europe Days 2024 will be the place to discuss concrete measures and exchange good practices on creating a sustainable, smart and resilient, transport and mobility network in Europe. It will take stock of the ambitious goals set out in the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy

The event is being organised together with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. 

Visit our website for the programme and speakers. Don’t forget to take a look at the different side events and networking opportunities taking place throughout the Connecting Europe Days, including a cocktail hosted for all participants by Infrabel on 3 April.