The Black Sea Virtual Knowledge Centre (BSVKC) is a project supported by the European Commission (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and managed by the Permanent International Secretariat of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC PERMIS) for a duration of 24 months. The objective of the BSVKC is to provide a centralized platform for information on the Blue Economy in the Black Sea and to improve synergies between stakeholders and Blue Economy related projects in the region.
The objective of the BSVKC is to support sustainable Blue Economy in the region by contributing to the implementation of the Common Maritime Agenda. The project will provide the necessary means to disseminate information, ensure synergies and raise awareness about opportunities in the Blue Economy sector. It also aims to support the work of the CMA Black Sea Steering Group, by providing regular updates on progress in the implementation of the CMA. The BSEC PERMIS will contribute to the establishment of the necessary complementarities and links with other relevant initiatives that are funded by the European Union, for example the Black Sea CONNECT CSA project related to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Black Sea (SRIA)
Engagement of stakeholders is one of the key priorities of this project and will be developed through the “Black Sea Blue Economy Community”, the “Online Help Desk” and stakeholders surveys. These interactive tools will support the identification of the needs of Black Sea maritime stakeholders, national and regional networks development, support exchange of information, projects ideas, cooperation opportunities and best practices.
UPC Campus & Online
Cork, Ireland