Invitation to THREE TRAINING WEBINARS within the framework of the BRIDGE-BS Project “Upskilling policy-makers to support science-based policy-making on Sustainable Tourism models Understanding new tourism models in a changing era” Dear Sir or Madam, We would be honoured to welcome a representative from your administration to a series of upskilling webinars that are being organised in the framework of the BRIDGE-BS (Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems) Project. BRIDGE-BS is a 54-month project, funded under the EU Horizon2020 Programme and led by the Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences (METU IMS) (Türkiye), bringing together 31 partners from 14 Countries, from the Black Sea and the European Union. Tourism, being a Blue Economy sector of the Black Sea that is strongly connected to other sectors – such as living resources, transport, energy, aquaculture, and biotechnology – is at the same time a traditional sector on the verge of eroding its own business capital by damaging the environment in tourism hotspots, and a sector that can foster the culture of innovation at local, regional and Black Sea level. To this end, policy- and decision-making that establish good governance and support tools that allow a better planning at the different levels of governance, can contribute to a more effective management of the existing and emerging activities at local, regional, and international levels. These three articulated webinars aim to help decision-making actors and policy stakeholders take on the new knowledge offered by the BRIDGE-BS project into their decision-making process. The webinars will accustom, in a handy way, participants to the objectives of BRIDGE-BS and the Blue Economy sectors of the Black Sea, with the tourism sector, particularly the sustainable tourism models, as the common thread. The webinars will link with the three overarching nodes of the BRIDGE-BS i.e., multistressors, innovation and capacity building, for a holistic approach/to offer inclusive knowledge. On completion of the three training webinars, participants will have acquired substantial knowledge of the main challenges for the Black Sea ecosystem and the contribution of sustainable tourism models to a more sustainable and resilient Black Sea, increasing economic gains for a wider range of actors and stakeholders – from local authorities and indigenous businesses to cross-border, intraregional and international cooperation – and reducing brain drain. More precisely, participants will be able to better understand the general framework of policies and initiatives of interest to sustainable tourism and blue economy, the respective terminology and tools, and the existing and emerging trends. This will enable them to quickly and easily identify funding sources and cooperation opportunities that meet their administrations’ needs, be actively involved in consultation processes and networking fora and, therefore, be more effective professionals and become demanded partners. The training webinars will be organised by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) – an association that brings together more than 150 Regions from 24 States from the European Union and beyond, and is an official interlocutor of the EU institutions – in cooperation with the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) and the Technological Centre for Sea (CETMAR, Spain). Geographic scope Black Sea countries: Bulgaria, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Türkiye, Ukraine Target public:
- Policy-makers and decision-makers from the Black Sea countries of different levels of governance (local, regional, national).
- One representative per administration
Main topic: Sustainable tourism models in the blue economy Dates: Tuesday 1 October – Tuesday 8 October – Tuesday 22 October 2024 Format: Online Duration: 2 hours (from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST | Brussels time) Certificate of attendance: only to participants that have attended all three webinars Thank you for considering our invitation to these training webinars. Please be so kind as to get back to Stavros.Kalognomos@crpm.org regarding your administration’s participation by Wednesday 31 July 2024.