• Monday 23, Sep 2024

Launch of the REST-COAST first Policy Brief, focusing on the new EU Nature Restoration Regulation


Consider utilising the opportunity the EU National Restoration Plans present to align processes across policy domains and governance levels (local, regional, national, union-wide), to promote local collaboration among stakeholders, and to ensure a common understanding of priorities and clear responsibilities at each governance level. 


Consider restoration interventions that enhance the connectivity between terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats and the natural dynamics between these ecosystems. This will also provide co-benefits, such as increased coastal resilience, blue carbon and socioeconomic benefits. The EU Nature Restoration Law can also promote harmonised metrics to measure biodiversity and ecosystem services for restoration measures. 


Consider developing adaptation pathways to align biodiversity restoration with climate change action (mitigation & adaptation), supporting long–term restoration efforts and preventing ecosystem deterioration. This could be done by integrating future climate scenarios and changing socio-economic conditions into the planning of coastal restoration activities and future National Restoration Plans. Research done by REST-COAST can provide valuable context-specific information to do so.


Consider leveraging existing pathways to enhance stakeholder engagement and strengthen the scientific foundation for the National Restoration Plans. Platforms such as the REST-COAST Coastal Restoration Platforms (CORE-Plats) can be used to engage stakeholders, demonstrate restoration benefits, and attract funding. 


Consider exploring innovative financial solutions and business opportunities to sustain and advance coastal restoration efforts, such as co-financing options and long-term investment pathways. It can help to identify ecosystem services with significant economic value to find funding for coastal restoration initiatives.


Please check the attached file for further details.