• Tuesday 19, Sep 2023

REST-COAST Annual Meeting: Stakeholder forum

REST-COAST is glad to extend a warm invitation to all interested parties to join this year’s Annual Meeting of the project. With a dedicated stakeholder forum session, the gathering will take place on 19 September, 2023 in Gdansk, Poland


This meeting holds a significant importance to the future development of REST-COAST as we come to discuss the current hands-on restoration actions within our pilot sites. The opinion, insights and expertise of the external stakeholders will be of a great value for shaping the actions ahead, as the project strives to fulfill its mission.

Project background

Rapidly developing and changing, coastal regions are experiencing progressive degradation and escalating risks, further exacerbated by climate change. At the same time, coastal management is often based on single-sided use of resources proven unsustainable in the long term and fails to address issues in the long term.

To address these issues, REST-COAST aims to deliver healthy and climate resilient European coastal regions, achieved through innovative large-scale systemic restoration, which can enhance the delivery of ecosystem services and improve coastal biodiversity status.

Moreover, in order to overcome present hurdles to upscale coastal restoration interventions, the project will utilise new technical, financial, management and transfer tools.


Location: Conference & Exhibition Centre (BHP Hall) 6 Popiełuszki 80-864 Gdańsk, Poland

When: 19 September, 2023

Agenda: Find the meeting agenda here.

Additional notes: Field trip to the Vistula Lagoon will be organised on 18 September, 2023 

Registration deadline: 5 September, 2023


For inquiries about the stakeholder forum, field trip, accommodation and other related topics, please contact: 

Grzegorz Rozynski, REST-COAST partner and host of the event, grzegorzrozynski@ibwpan.gda.pl 

Ivan Caceres, REST-COAST Project Manager, i.caceres@upc.edu 

Registration Form